Mạnh Hùng Lê1,, Đức Mạnh Phạm 1, Anh Tuấn Nguyễn2, Thị Nguyệt Minh Đoàn 3, Hữu Thắng Nguyễn3
1 Ministry of Health
2 National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
3 Hanoi medical university

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Objective: To describe the current situation of capacity to provide services related to drugs and HIV/AIDS of commune health station staff in Phu Tho province. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 150 commune health station staff in Phu Tho province. Results: There were 150 health workers working at 30 different health stations in Phu Tho province participated in the study with a male: female ratio of approximately 3.5:1. The average working time at the commune health station is 11.4±10.1 years. The majority of health workers have a correct but incomplete understanding of the MMT program. The services, equipment being provided and the attitude of medical staff towards customers are still limited. Conclusion: More training is needed to improve professional knowledge and improve the attitude of commune/ward health workers involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the locality, especially those who directly contact, counseling and treatment for subjects.

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