Thị Hằng Lê1,, Thị Lý Trần 2
1 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 National cancer hospital

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Background: Medical staff work in medical facilities are obliged to attend continuous training courses to meet the professional requirements of their current position. Teaching methods in continuing training must be suitable for adult trainees. Objective: Analyzing some factors related to result of trainee’s assessment of continuous training in Bach Mai hospital, 2020-2021. Methods: Cross-sectional study, quantitative research. Results: This study collected information from 413 trainees, in Bach Mai Hospital through questionnaires and retrospective data from training courses management records. The research results show that, there are differences about the result of trainee’s assessment of continuous training according to factors such as age, occupational title, field of training of trainees (p<0.05).

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