Văn Nam Nguyễn1,, Văn Thưởng Nguyễn1, Trường Thịnh Vũ 2,3
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 Viet Duc hopsital
3 Hanoi medical university

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Introduction: The clinical feature, management options, and the result of surgery treatment femoral fracture in children at Viet Duc University Hospital. Subject and methodology: A retrospective and non-controlled cross-sectional descriptive study on 66 patients with a close femoral fracture in children from 5-15 years old who were treated by surgery at Viet Duc University Hospital from January 2019 to April 2021. Result: Patients were 5-15 years old, and the majority of patients were between 7-11 years old, which boys accounting for a higher proportion (70%). Traffic accidents account for the highest percentage of injuries (56,7%), the percentage of the left side and the right side is the same, and the simple fracture without major organ trauma accounted for the highest proportion (72,8%). Almost patients were treated by surgery with plate screws (92,4%). The short-term result, the good result accounted for the high rate (97%) and the average was 3%, the mid-long-term – good result accounted 98%, and the poor result accounted 2%. Conclusion: Pediatric femoral fracture is a common fracture in lower extremity trauma and effect not only lower extremity mobility function but also all patient movement. Surgery reduction internal fixation treatment pediatrics femoral fracture to correct and restore anatomy, fix the fracture firmly, create conditions for early rehabilitation after surgery, and bring a good result for the patient.

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