Quốc Ái Đặng 1,2,, Văn Chiến Đinh 3,4
1 Hanoi medical university
2 E hospital
4 Vinh Medical University

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Background: The study aimed to evaluate the initial results of laparoscopic surgery for intestinal obstruction after surgery at Nghe An Friendship General Hospital and E Hospital. Materials and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study, patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery to treated intestinal obstruction after surgery from 2018 to 2022. Results: There were 35 patients diagnosed with intestinal obstruction after surgery and treated by laparoscopic surgery, the mean age was 45.36 ± 18.63 (16-77) years old, there were 31.4% male and 68.6% were female. The average number of abdominal operations before surgery was 1.29 ± 0.60 times, 80% of abdominal operations were performed once and appendectomy accounted for the majority of 74.3%. The cause of intestinal obstruction is mainly due to ligaments and adhesions, accounting for over 80%. There were 8,6% Assistant-laparoscopic. The mean operative time was 89.80 ± 24.80 (58-138) minutes. There were 5.7% cases had complications of tearing the small bowel muscle during surgery, no complications after surgery. The mean time of post-operative defecation was 2.44 ± 0.77 days, The mean time for beginning oral feeding was 43.56 ± 0.71 (2-5) days. The mean hospital stay was 7.04 ± 1.51 days. Conclusions: Initial results of laparoscopic surgery to treatment intestinal obstruction after surgery show that this is a safe and effective technique, less pain, early recovery, and a short hospital stay.

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