Ngọc Lan Tạ 1, Khoa Diệu Vân Nguyễn2, Đình Tùng Đỗ 3,
1 Hanoi heart hospital
2 Bach Mai hospital
3 Xanh Pon hospital

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Coronary artery disease is a major of the cause of deadth of cardiovascular disease especially in patients with type 2 diabetes.Coronary artery bypass grafting is a treatment that is very effective. However, the problem of glycemic control before and after surgery is still a matter to be discussed. Study 21 Patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with coronary artery disease are indicated for coronary artery bypass grafting at Hanoi Heart Hospital show results: The average fasting plasma glucose is 8.51 ± 3.54 mmol/L, HbA1C average is 7.77 ± 2.78%, the average fasting plasma glucose in the first 3 days after surgery in the ICU is 11.2 ± 2.15 mmol/L, the average 7-day is 9.17 ± 2.65 mmol/L. Conclusion: Blood glucose is poor managed in patients with type 2 diabetes requires CABG surgery.

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