Tất Thắng Trần 1,, Trọng Dũng Phan 2
1 Nghe An eye hospital
2 Nghe An eye hopsital

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Objectives: Evaluation of some factors affecting the results of panoptix intraocular lens surgery. Subjects and methods: Prospective corelation study, Thirty-five eyes of the patient had only indications for Phaco surgery to place Pannoptix Intraocular lens and agreed to participate in the study, at Nghe An Eye Hospital from July 2021 to July 2022. Results: The age factor of patients is related to uncorrected distance vision, after maximal correction, affects contrast sensitivity with p < 0.05, but does not affect intermediate and visual acuity. force is close to p > 0.05. At 3 months after surgery, postoperative corneal astigmatism had an effect on uncorrected distal vision, intermediate visual acuity and uncorrected near vision at a statistically significant level with p < 0, 05 and did not affect far vision and near vision after maximal correction with p > 0.05, there was no relationship between residual spherical refraction after surgery to the results of uncorrected distal vision, visual acuity. Intermediate force and near vision after maximal correction after surgery with p > 0.05. The position of the artificial lens has an effect on the phenomenon of halo and glare after surgery at a statistically significant level with p < 0.05 but does not affect the contrast sensitivity and visual acuity results with p > 0.05.

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