Do Dinh Tung1,2,, Dinh Trung Thanh1, Nguyen Van Nghia1
1 Xanh Pon General Hospital
2 Military Medical Academy

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Objectives: To describe the common characteristics of patients undergoing intervention for lumbar disc herniation treatment using ozone therapy through the skin under the guidance of CT scan, to serve as a basis for intervention studies. Methods: The study describes the common characteristics and assesses pain scores of 147 patients with lumbar disc herniation (100 patients in the intervention group and 47 patients in the control group). Results: Lumbar disc herniation typically occurs in individuals over 30 years of age, with the majority being between the ages of >50 (49.7%) and 30-50 (44.2%). The average age of the study group was 48.8 ± 12.1, lower than the control group (57.4 ± 14.8), (p<0.05). Females had a higher incidence of lumbar disc herniation than males (1.5 times), but p>0.05. Unilateral pain was predominant in both groups, mostly on the left side. The average VAS score before intervention in the study group was 8.0 ± 0.7, with no significant difference between the groups. Patients with pain symptoms before treatment had a high and severe level of pain, with no significant difference between the two groups. The average ODI score indicating functional disability of the study group was 70.3±9, p>0.05. Conclusion: The study provides important information on the common characteristics of patients with lumbar disc herniation and pain symptoms. These results serve as a basis for implementing intervention treatment for patients with lumbar disc herniation.

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