Đình Tùng Đỗ 1,, Thị Hoa Huyền Nguyễn 2, Bích Ngọc Nguyễn1
1 Xanh Pon hospital
2 Vin university

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Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction and related factors in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treated at Xanh Pon General Hospital in 2022. Methods: 121 patients with COPD were surveyed about their satisfaction and analyzed for related factors. Results: The proportion of patients who rated the level of care as very satisfied and satisfied was 50.4% and 26.4%, respectively. The group aged ≥70 years had care results 3.0 times better than the group aged <70 years (p = 0.01). The group of patients living in urban areas had nursing care results 4.8 times better than the rural group (p = 0.01). Patients with a disease duration of less than 5 years had a nursing care rate 1.9 times higher than those who had been sick for more than 5 years (p <0.03). Patients who were admitted early and had symptoms appearing 1-3 days before admission had care results 3.4 times better than those who were admitted late after 3 days (p = 0.01). Conclusion: The proportion of patients with COPD who were very satisfied and satisfied with nursing care was 50.4% and 26.4%, respectively. The group aged ≥70 years, disease duration of less than 5 years and the urban group had better care results than other groups.

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