Phục Hưng Nguyễn1,, Thị Mỹ Hương Võ 1, Thái Quản Lưu 2, Duy Khánh Đặng1
1 Can Tho University of Medicine - Pharmacy
2 RM Healthcare company

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Objective: assessment of the situation of state management of controlled substance in vietnam. Methods: analysis of legal documents related to the management of controlled substance in Vietnam. Results: analysis of legal documents related to the management of controlled substance shows that health authorities are carrying out management activities related to more than 10 documents related to production and business, quality control, advertising, handling – recall; especially on classification and distinction of drugs subject to special control; Regulations on preservation, distribution, destruction and reporting of narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs and precursor drugs; The Advisory Council issues certificates of eligibility for pharmacy business to establishments trading in drugs subject to special control. Conclusion: The use of controlled substance for the impact on the health and safety of the patient during. Strengthening the management of competent authorities through the promulgation of legal documents and the application of these documents in practice has great significance in the management work at medical examination and treatment facilities, which is the foundation The legal foundation ensures that medical staff feel secure in taking care of patients' health.

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