Đình Tùng Đỗ1,, Văn Bình Tạ 2
1 Xanh Pon hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the effects of Gymnema Sylvestre on glucose, HbA1c, lipids profiles, blood pressure, and liver and kidney function in pre-diabetes. Methods: 90 adult pre-diabetic subjects were selected from the community; they were divided into two groups, The Gymnema Sylvestre-used group, and a control group, followed up for three months. Results: Gymnema Sylvestre-used group has the effect of lowering fasting blood glucose, 2 hours glucose, and HbA1c; the difference is statistically significant compared with the control group; the proportion of pre-diabetic subjects reverse back normal blood sugar accounted for 74.5%, higher than the control group; the difference was statistically significant compared with the control group; It reduces cholesterol and LDL_c, statistical significance compared to the control group; reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was statistically significant. Conclusion: Gymnema Sylvestre has the effect of reducing blood glucose, HbA1c, pre-diabetes rate, and Cholesterol, LDL-C, and Triglyceride in the pre-diabetes.

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