Thị Lan Anh Trần 1,, Minh Cường Trần1, Vân Anh Lê2
1 Hanoi University of Pharmacy
2 Huu Nghi hospital

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Background: Chronic diseases are increasingly accounting for a high rate in our country, especially hypertension. The outpatient examination of chronic diseases as well as the rational use of drugs in the treatment of patients will help reduce the health and economic burden on patients. The aim of this study is to analyze the status of prescription and costs for outpatient treatment of hypertension at the hospital. Materials and methods: The prescriptions of chronic disease outpatients at Viet Xo Friendship hospital were extracted from the hospital's software, using cross-sectional descriptive methods. Results: The non-fixed-dose multitherapy accounted for the highest proportion with 47.6% of the total therapies in which the combination of 2 drugs ACEI + BB and the combination of 3 drugs BB + ARB +LT is most commonly indicated. In the treatment regimen for hypertension alone, BB has the lowest cost (69,660 VND), combination with ARB and LT for the highest cost 310,545 VND. Conclusion: Multi-therapy regimens accounted for the majority of the study sample, in which there was a significant cost difference between treatment regimens.

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