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Objectives: Analyzing clinical features of upper cervical spine trauma. Methods: Cross-sectional descripted retrospective studing of 80 upper cervical spine trauma patients were diagnosed in Viet Duc hospital from January 2010 to June 2012. Results: Average age of upper cervical spinal traumatic patients were 34,2 ± 14,57, male/ female was 2,8/1. Upper cervival spine trauma usually results from vehicle accidents (60%). 77,5% patients in group age from 18 – 50 years old. All of patients had neck pain (100%), neurological deficit was rare with 13,8% number of patients had paralysis. Conclusion: Upper cervical spine trauma usually was in male working-age patiens, that results from vehicle accidents. Clinical features were non special so that were missed easily.
Article Details
Clinical features, upper cervical spine trauma.
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