Văn Thức Đinh 1,2, Thị Cúc Bế1, Dương Tùng Anh Đinh 1,3,
1 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy hospital
3 Haiphong children's hospital

Main Article Content


Objectives: To describe some clinical and paraclinical characteristics of neonatal sepsis at the Emergency Department - Hai Phong Children's Hospital in the years 2019 - 2021. Subjects and methods: A descriptive study of a case series using retrospective data of medical records of neonates diagnosed and treated for sepsis at Hai Phong Children's Hospital in the years 2019 - 2021. Results: There were 40 cases of neonatal sepsis (NS) in this study. NS was more common in boys than girls (male/female: 1.5/1). 67.5% of the patients had a history of preterm birth and 72.5% had a history of low birth weight. The most common clinical symptoms of NS included temperature disturbances, rapid breathing, dyspnea, cyanosis, chest indrawing, refill lasting >2s, lethargy, vomiting, distended abdomen, pale skin, purple veins and jaundice. The most common subclinical characteristics of NS were thrombocytopenia, decreased PT, prolonged APTT, decreased fibrinogen, increased CRP >20 mg/l, hyponatremia, increased direct and total bilirubin. Conclusion: Our study has identified some of the most common clinical and subclinical symptoms in neonatal sepsis at Hai Phong Children's Hospital, thereby contributing to the further improvement of the timely diagnosis and treatment of neonatal sepsis.

Article Details


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