Đình Âu Hoàng1,, Thu Hà Vương 1
1 Hanoi medical university hospital

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Purposes: To evaluate the value of  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the diagnosis of synovial joint infection, in comparision to the ultrasound - guided synovial biopsy. Matherial and Method: The cross sectional descriptive study on the patients who underwent the MRI and the ultrasound -guided synovial biopsy. Then, MRI features was compared to the synovial biopsy results to evaluate the sensibility, specificity of this method for the diagnosis of synovial infection. Results: From 09/2020 to 10/2022, forty three patients who underwent the MRI and ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Among them, eighteen patients were diagnosed synovial joint infection (bacteria and tuberculosis included). MRI features of these patients was compared to the synovial biopsy results. The sensibility, the specificity of the combination of 4, 3 and 2 MRI features were 50% and 96%, 72% and 84%, 83% and 56%, respectively. Conclusion: Compared to the synovial biopsy results, MRI had the high value method for the diagnosis of synovial joint infection.

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