Thanh Bình Nguyễn1,2,, Thị Phương Thảo Nguyễn1, Thị Duyên Nguyễn1, Thị Nghiêm Lương 1
1 Vietnam National Children's Hospital.
2 Hanoi medical university

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Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) are platelets nascent from the bone marrow into peripheral blood, reflecting the bone marrow's ability to produce platelets. This study was conducted to evaluate the IPF index in Dengue fever patients at the National Children's Hospital in 2020-2021. Thereby investigating the relationship between immature platelet fraction and platelet recovery after treatment. Study on 33 children with Dengue hemorrhagic fever (disease group) and 32 normal children (control group) in which disease group was counted PLT, %IPF at the time of admission and after 24hours, 48hours, 72 hours after admission or until the patient is discharged. The results showed that %IPF of control group was 1.32% (1.06-1.58), %IPF of patient group was 3.56%-7.31%. In which 72.73% of patients platelets recovered to normal range within 24 hours after %IPF peaked, 87.88% of patients recovered platelets within 48 hours and 90.91% of patients recovered platelets within 72 hours. At the 6th day of fever, %IPF had a predictive value for platelet recovery with a sensitivity of 46.7%, a specificity of 100% with a cut-off point of 7.3%.

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