Phương Thảo Nghiêm 1,, Thị Diễm Trang Lê1
1 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine

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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to desribe and compare computed tomography features of small bowel necrosis (SBN) due to strangulated bowel obstruction (SBO) and acute oclusive mesenteric ischemia (AMI). Methods: cross-sectional, retrospective description study. All patients with a pathological diagnosis of small bowel necrosis were diagnosed and operated in Binh Dan hospital from January 1, 2017 to August 31, 2022. Results: there were 40 cases of SBN, including 20 cases (50%) of SBO, 13 cases (32,5%) of venous occlusion AMI and 7 cases (17,5%) of arterial occlusion AMI. The mean age of SBO was 62,30 ± 15,23, of venous occlusion AMI was 59,85± 17,25, of arterial occlusion AMI was 56,57± 14,33. Female predominance was found in SBO group (60%) while male predominance in venous occlusion AMI (69,23%) and arterial occlusion AMI (100%). Most of patiens SBO had bowel dilatation. Bowel wall thickening and pontanenous hyperattenuation of the bowel wall in venous occlusion AMI (100% and 61,5%, respectively) were significalive higher than in SBO (60% and 55%, respectively) and in arterial occulusion AMI (28,6% and 0%, respectively). Pneumoperitoneum, pneumatosis intestinalis, portal venous gas were uncommon CT features of SBN. Free peritoneal fluid was prominent in venous occlusion AMI (100%), mesenteric fat accounted for the highest percentage in both SBO and venous occlusion AMI (100%) while  bowel wall enhancement was absent in arterial occlusion AMI (85,7%). Conclusion: CT scan has an important role in early diagnosis and helps to differentiate the cause of SBN.

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