Đình Tùng Đỗ1,, Nguyễn Nhật Trần2, Quang Hải Trần1, Đức Thuận Lê 2, Hoàng Việt Tuấn Nguyễn1
1 Xanh pon hospital
2 Xanh Pon hospital

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Intravenous anesthesia with propofol TCI together with LMA ventilation has many advantages compared to propofol without TCI. It can apply to medium and short urological procedures for outpatients, with pretty high efficiency. Randomized  controlled  clinical  trials.  At the Hanoi High Tech and Digestive Center, Saint Paul General Hospital from February 2021 to October 2021, 120 ASA I/II patients are selected to undergo ambulatory  urological  procedure,  then  randomly  divided  into  2  groups.  Group  1  in (60  patients)  were  received intravenous  anesthesia  with  target  controlled  infusion  (TCI)  propofol.  Group  II  (60 patients)  were  received propofol through electric syringe pump. According to our research:  Losing  awareness  time  (second)  of  group  I  is 46.02±7.71 versus of group II is 39.82±6.73 (p<0.001); time for LMA insertation (minute) of group I is 4.44±0.72 versus of group II is 3.95±0.82 (p<0.001); Time of interventional lithotripsy of the urinary system (excluding preparation time for postural preparation): 25.8±17.4 minutes compared with 24.8±16.1 minutes in the order of TCI/BDR. This result is also consistent with the mean time of endoscopic ureteral lithotripsy in Taylo's study is 21 minutes.

Article Details


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