Xuân Quý Ngô 1,, Thị Hồng Nguyễn2, Quốc Duy Ngô 1,2
1 k hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: To study clinicopathological characteristics, outcomes of primary thyroid lymphoma and review of the literature. Patients and methods: A study of 3 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients who treated from 2016 to 2020 at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital. Results: Three patients were treated for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, one of whom were women and two were men, with a mean age of 68 (50-78) years. Common complaint of those patients was the sudden swelling of the neck. A mean diameter of thyroid tumor was 5,3cm (5-8 cm). None of patients had B syndrome. CD20 was positive in all patients. 2/3 patients underwent thyroidectomy and 1 patient underwent surgical excision in order to diagnosis. Chemotherapy (R-CHOP regimen and R-CVP regimen) was applied to all three patients. All patients were still alive without recurrence at the mean 27 months (range 15-34) months of follow-up.

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