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Chronic disease is an important public health issue. The increasing rate of disease in Vietnam as well as in other countries in the region causes a burden on society. Medication adherence and lifestyle changes are still considered important factors for controlling chronic diseases. A cross-sectional study of 246 outpatient patients in Le Van Thinh hospital. Medication Compliance Questionnaire scales (MCQ) was assessed for reliability and validity. A total of 246 patients completed the survey. The age of 50-59 years old (39,8%) is high and the majority of respondents were males (56,1%). This study was conducted through face-to-face interviews. The proportion of medication adherence was 82,9%. The study did not find a relationship between drug adherence with demographic characteristics and pathological characteristics (p>0.05). The rate of medication adherence among chronic patients is quite high, which showed that the management and health education programs at the hospital have been good effectiveness.
Article Details
chronic disease, medication adherence.
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