Xuân Kiên Nguyễn1,, Văn Chuyên Nguyễn1
1 Vietnam Military Medical Academy

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Objective: describe the current state of reproductive health care of ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands in 2012-2014. Methods: a retrospective study, based on data from 69 commune health stations in 5 provinces of the Central Highlands from 2012-2014 on indicators of reproductive health care for mothers and children. Results: The status of reproductive health care activities in the Central Highlands provinces shows that the number of pregnant women receiving antenatal care tends to increase. Rates of 1, 2 and 3 full examinations are 33.3%, 32.3% and 34.4%, respectively. The majority (87.4%) of pregnant women received 2 doses of tetanus vaccine before giving birth. The rate of pregnant women giving birth at the station was as low as 27.6%. The rate of pregnant women being referred was 25.0%. Percentage of women giving birth at home with the help of medical staff (including midwives/gardeners) 47.4%. The overall rate of being fully immunized is 90.8%. The percentage of mothers under 49 years old who are currently using a common modern method of contraception in 5 provinces is 35.8%. Conclusion: Reproductive health care activities in the Central Highlands are increasingly interested in, from 2012-2014 there has been an improvement in the rate of antenatal care, vaccination, and tetanus prevention over the years. The proportion of pregnant mothers receiving medical care has significantly improved. Mothers of childbearing age have focused on using contraceptives, but the rate is still low compared to the national requirements.

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