Quốc Duy Ngô 1,2,, Xuân Quý Ngô 1
1 k hospital
2 Hanoi medical university

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Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and subclinical characteristics of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma in pediatric populations. Patients and methods: A restrospective study of 99 pediatric well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients who diagnosed and treated  from January 2014 to January 2021 at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital. Results: The mean age was 15,0 ± 2,7 years. The female/male ratio was 2.19/1. Detecting neck tumors was the most common reason for hospitalization, accounting for 36.4%. The rate of palpable tumor on clinical examination was about 97%. Mainly detect tumors when they were still mobile (68.8%), solid density (88.5%). On neck ultrasound, the most common hypoechoic image of tumor accounted for over 81%, microcalcification accounts for 56.6%. TIRADS 4, 5 had the highest rate, accounting for 48.5% and 46.4% respectively. There were 45 patients (31.4%) found to have lymph nodes on ultrasound. In which, the lateral cervical lymph node was mainly detected with the rate of 75.6%. On FNA results, the majority of patients had malignant results, accounting for 84.9%. Conclusions: Well-differentiated thyroid cancer in children was more common in girls aged 15-18. The disease in children was detected at a later stage than other ages. Neck ultrasound and thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy played important roles in treating thyroid cancer in children.

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