Huỳnh Kim Khang, Phạm Văn Khoa

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Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of the first lower molars that have two roots or three roots (two main roots and additional distal-lingual root) in Vietnamese on ConeBeam CT. Subjects and methods:The study was conducted on 166 patients who had exposured using CBCT indicated by dentists in Nguyen Trai Dental CT Central, HoChiMinh City, from October 2015 to June 2016. The CBCT digital images were captures using Picasso Trio (Ewoo Vatech, Korea) with the standard conditions and postures of patients. CBCT digital images were displayed on the 14 inches flat monitor, at 1366 x 768 pixel resolution with EzImplant CD viewer software. The first lower molars with two roots and three roots were recorded. The number of roots of the first lower molars was determined by moving cross-sectional slices from enamel-cement junction to the apex. The number of roots of the first lower molar was observed in three planes. Results: The first lower molars with two roots were at 83.7%. The rate of person who had the first lower molars with three roots was 16.3%. The situation of the first lower molars with three roots can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. There was no differences about sex, positions of the first lower molars with three roots. Conclusion: The prevalences of two roots of the first lower molars accounts for the largest portion.

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