Dương Thùy Linh, Phạm Thị Mai, Trần Văn Tôn, Lại Thị Định, Nguyễn Văn Ba, Trần Viết Tiến

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Background: This study aims to evaluate some patient’s characteristics and treatment outcome of concurrent chemoradiation therapy with intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) technique in esophageal cancer patients. Materials and methods: A descriptive perspective study with 32esophageal cancer patients treated by concurrent chemoradiation therapy with IMRT using simultanous intergrated technique in Department of Radiation oncology, Oncology Center, 103 Military Hospital from 2018 to June 2020. Result: Disease are most seen in men, age 40 – 59 years old. Most of patients are late stage with 100% histopathology is squamous cell cancer in moderately differentiation acounted for 50%. Radiation schedules were 66Gy/30fx and 60Gy/28fx in 25% and 75%, respectively. Chemo regimens were Oxaliplatin 85mg/m2 day 1, Leucovorin 400mg/m2 day 1 and Fluorouracil 400mg/m2 bolus day 1, Fluorouracil 1600mg/m2, 46 hous, every 14 days.Full dose chemotherapy was given in 71,9%. Common toxicities were low hematological toxicity, esophagitis (90,6%) and dermatis (56,2%). Most of them were grade 1,2. Conclusions: Concurrent chemoradiation with IMRT technique and FOLFOX in esophageal cancer patient had promising results and well tolerence.

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