Thị Thanh Giang Huỳnh 1, Hồng Hoa Nguyễn2,, Minh Tân Nguyễn1, Văn Hữu Nguyễn1, Thị Thắm Nguyễn1, Vân Anh Tống 1, Thị Dung Nguyễn1, Tiến Dũng Nguyễn1, Thị Huyền Trang Nguyễn1, Hồng Hạnh Trịnh 1, Đăng Hưởng Ngô 1, Thanh Thượng Lê1, Thị Yến Nguyễn1
1 Military Hospital 175
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

Main Article Content


Objective: To determine the characteristics of breast cancer patients undergoing endocrine treatment at the Oncology Center of Military Hospital 175. Methods: Design a descriptive study of a series of survey of 105 patients with early breast cancer receiving endocrine therapy at Military Hospital 175 from December 1, 2021 to May 30, 2022. Results: The mean age was 54.8 ± 10.4 years old. Histopathological classification according to Grad group II accounts for 80% and group I 17.1%. Group III only 2.9%. HER-2 positive accounts for 13.3%. The most common stage of breast cancer is IIA, accounting for 61.9%. In which, the period from IIB (8.6%) and IIIA (2.9%). The pathological results in mainly OTV Carcinoma accounted for 82.9% and Carcinoma of the mammary gland accounted for 10.4%. Patients received chemotherapy before endocrine therapy 77.1%. Patients with radiation therapy accounted for 70.5%. Hormonal drugs used in which Tamoxifen (50.5%) and Ais (49.5%) Use of medical ovarian suppression 25.7%. The average duration of hormonal drug use was 32.5 ± 22.5 months. Conclusion: Adjuvant endocrine therapy significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence, increases the possibility of cure, however, unwanted side effects on bone health must be considered.

Article Details


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