Bùi Văn Nhơn, Trần Tuấn Việt, Bùi Văn Tùng, Bùi Thị Oanh

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Objective: To describe the prevalance of sexual dysfunction and some related factors in chronic heart failure patients with reduced EF at Vietnam National Heart Institute. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted to asess sexual dysfunction in HFrEF patients in Vietnam National Heart Institute at Bach Mai hospital. We used FSFI questionares for female patients and IIEF for assessing erectile function of male patients. Results: The female sexual dysfunction was 77.3%; erectile dysfunction in male patients was 88.9%. The univariate analysis indicated risk factors for sexual dysfunction was age (p < 0.05). Conclustion: Our data showed a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction in HFrEF patients. The risk factors for sexual dysfunction among studied subjects was age groups.

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