Đăng Hải Nguyễn1,, Duy Bắc Nguyễn2, Thành Nghiên Phạm 3, Khánh Lâm 4, Thanh Bình Nguyễn5, Trong Hưng Nguyễn5, Viết Lực Trần5
1 103 Military Hospital
2 Vietnam Military Medical Academy
3 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
4 108 Military Central Hospital
5 National Geriatric Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: To reconstruct Cingulum tract (CGT) in Vietnamese Alzheimer patients (AD) by using Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Subject and method: Cross-sectional study. We reconstructed the white matter (WH) fibers of CGT of 20 Vietnamese Alzheimer patients and 20 normal subjects (NS) by using DTI. Result: The mean (± SD) age of AD patient and NS was: 69,05±7,77 years and 69,70±5,83 years (no significant difference, p=0,76); the age of AD onset was: 64,65±7,18 years; MMSE score: 12,20±7,35; Male/female (AD/NS) was: 8/12 and 9/11. The mean (± SD) number and length of fibers, voxel, FA and ADC of the right CGT (AD and NS) were: 461,15±307,22 fibers and 268,45±132,09 fibers; 65,43±14,20 mm and 66,35±11,31 mm; 312,50±138,39 voxels and 238,25±69,27 voxels; 0,34±0,03 and 0,36±0,02; 0,76±0,10 and 0,77±0,07 (respectively). Of that, the number fibers and voxel of AD was significantly higher (p=0,01 and p=0,04, respectively), FA was significantly lower in AD (p=0,00). The length of fibers and ADC had no significant difference (p>0,05). The mean (± SD) number and length of fibers, voxel, FA and ADC of the left CGT (AD and NS) were: 506,90±287,29 fibers and 392,40±174,96 fibers; 71,91±17,58 mm and 75,57±9,64 mm; 349,55±131,10 voxels and 306,60±70,85 voxels; 0,35±0,03 and 0,39±0,02; 0,78±0,11 and 0,76±0,05 (respectively). Of that, the number and length of fibers, voxel and ADC had not significantly difference; FA of AD group had significantly lower (p=0,00). Conclusion: the result of reconstructing CGT by using DTI suggest that: microstructure changes in white matter integrity in Vietnamese AD patients. More comparative studies are needed.

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