Mai Phương Nguyễn1,2, Thị Nhật Hòa Nguyễn1, Văn Thức Phạm 1, Dương Tùng Anh Đinh 1,3,
1 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy
2 Hai Phong University Of Medicine And Pharmacy hospital

Main Article Content


Objectives: To describe some epidemiological clinical features of simple febrile convulsions (SFC) at Hai Phong Children's Hospital from November 2021 to April 2022 and comment on the results of treatment for these cases. Subjects and methods: a retrospective study describing a series of cases by means of convenience sampling including all eligible patients for the study. Results: SFC mainly occurred in children from 6 to <36 months old, more frequent in boys than girls (2/1). The number of children having first SFC accounted for 74.7%. The most common causative febrile illness were upper and lower respiratory tract infections. The duration of seizures was mostly <5 minutes. The most common symptoms of SFC were eye rolling and cyanosis. Most children were awake and cried loudly after the seizure. The most commonly measured body temperature during a SFC was at 39 - 41oC. The majority of cases of SFC had an increase in the number of white blood cells in the peripheral blood, especially an increase in the percentage of neutrophils. Only in a few cases that we could determine the viral etiology of the pathology related to the child's fever and detected changes on the ionogram. There were no cases of aggravation or recurrence of seizures during inpatient treatment. Conclusion: SFC is a common disease in children under 36 months of age and can be prevented through good management of children with fever, especially in the group of children with acute respiratory infections.

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