Nguyễn Thị Linh Tuyền, Phan Lê Hoài Ân

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Objectives: Preparation of capsules containing esomeprazole delayed release pellet. Materials and methods: The materials were esomeprazole with polymer Eudragit®L30D-55. Survey the active coating layer (alcohol: water ratio, PEG 6000 weight, talc weight, dry matter content), survey the insulation layer (alcohol: water ratio, PEG 6000 weight, dry matter content), survey the soluble layer in the intestine (TiO2 weight, the weight gain of the intestinal layer) to the pellet process to determine the solubility in hydrochloric acid 0,1N in 2 hours was more than 10% and in phosphate buffer medium pH 6.8 for 30 minutes not less than 80%. Results: In the active coating layer, the alcohol: water ratio was 3:1, the weight of PEG 6000 was 2,1g, the weight of talc was 2,1g and the dry matter content was 8%. In the insulating layer, the alcohol: water ratio was 3:1, the weight of PEG 6000 was 1,2g and the dry matter content was 6%.In the intestinal soluble coating with TiO2 weight of 1g, the weight gain of the intestinal soluble coating was 30%. Conclusion: Has prepared capsules containing esomeprazole delayed release pellets form to meet the standards of USP43.

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