Trường Thịnh Vũ 1,2,, Đức Lực Đèo 3, Văn Huy Quế1, Văn Toàn Ngô 1
1 Viet Duc hospital
2 Hanoi medicla university
3 Sơn La general hospital

Main Article Content


Introduction: Study on evaluating the results of Dupuytren fracture surgery in adultsat Viet Duc University Hospital. Subjects and methodology: A retrospective and non-controlled cross-sectional descriptive study on 44 patients diagnosed with Dupuytren's fracture over 18 years of age who were surgically treated at the Orthopedic Institute of Viet Duc Univesity Hospital - Hanoi from March 2018 to March 2021. Result: The majority of patients were aged from 18 to 50 years old (61.3%), in which men accounted for a higher proportion (59.1%); Traffic accidents and daily-life accidents account for the highest percentage of injuries (72.7%) and patients with temporary immobilization and casts before surgery account for the highest rate (91%). Classification of fractures according to Dupuytren has a high rate of low fracture (77.3%). Overall good and very good results accounted for a high rate of 84.1%, an average of 13.6%, and a poor case accounted for 2.3%. Conclusion: Dupuytren's fracture is a common ankle fracture in lower extremity injuries, affecting ankle mobility. Inner bone fusion surgery aims to correct and restore anatomy, fix the fracture firmly, create conditions for early rehabilitation after surgery and bring good results to the patient.

Article Details


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