Mai Văn Đức, Chu Thị Quỳnh Hương

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The research was performed with 31 patients with aesthetic restoration for incisors, canines, and premolars using E.max veneer technique. These patients have checkup and treatment at some dental facilities in Hanoi from July 2020 to April 2021. The research is to assess results of aesthetic restoration for incisors, canines, and premolars using E.maxveneer technique. Research subject and method: the research of non-controlled clinical outcomes according to the pre and post model. The research was carried out on 31 patients with 96 E.max veneers.  It is concluded that after E.max veneer restoration has been performed, the good assessment rate of appearance, color, and gingivalmargin are 93 restoration units (96.88%), 96 units (100%), 94 units (97.92%) respectively. After three months, appearance and color are unchanged, gingivalmargin reaches 100% of goodness, viscosity and pronunciation are normal, and chewing function and patient satisfaction reach 100%.

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