Thu Trà Đoàn 1,, Thu Nga Đỗ 1, Thị Phương Nhung Ngô 1
1 Bach Mai hospital

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Introduction: The Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital is central level healthcare facility for the care and treatment of infectious diseases, with a large scale and one of the highest number of patients in the country. This study was conducted with the aim of assessing the satisfaction of inpatients hospitalized at the Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital from 2021-2022. Participants and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2021 to June 2022 at the Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital. Participants were patients hospitalized at the study site during the study period and agreed to participate in the study. The patient satisfaction measurement insutrment was developed based on the patient satisfaction survey forms and instructions according to the decision No. 3869/QD-BYT issued by the Ministry of Health in 2019. Results: The mean satisfaction score of hospitalized patients at the Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital tends to decrease from 2021-2022. The mean satisfaction score of accessibility dimension in 2021 was 4.80 and in 2021 was 4.71. Regarding “the transparency of information and medical examination procedures”, the means score decreased from 4.83 in 2021 to 4.73 in 2022. “Facilities and Equiments” were the subscale with the lowest satisfaction score with an mean of 4.78 in 2021 and 4.66 in 2022. “Attitude and behavior, professional capacity” had the highest satisfaction score with 4.85 in 2021 and 4.76 in 2022. The mean satisfaction score on “Service delivery outcome” in 2021 was 4.82 and was 4.76 in 2022. Most of the patients in the study plan to return to treatment at follow-up visits (in 2021, the rate of patients will return was 79.71% and in 2022 was 82.54%). Conclusion: The study showed that patients admitted for inpatient treatment at the Center for Tropical Diseases, Bach Mai Hospital had a high level of satisfaction with health care services. However, there are still some service aspects that need to be improved, including administrative convenience, health insurance payment system and availability of services provided.

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