Quốc Bảo Đinh 1,, Thị Thanh Xuân Lại 1
1 Namdinh University Of Nursing

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Objective: To describe the current situation and change in practice of cervical cancer prevention for women visiting Nam Dinh Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital after health education interventions. Methods: An interventional study of before and after intervention for 65 women who visited Nam Dinh Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, from January to April 2020. Data were collected by structured interview method using a pre-designed questionnaire. Results: the percentage of women undergoing screening increased to 47.7% (30.8% - 78.5%). Women cleaning genitals on normal days increased to 87.7% after the intervention, cleaning genitals on the day of menstruation before the intervention 43.1% increased to 96.9%. The difference was statistically significant with p < 0.001. Conclusion: Health education significantly changes women's practice on cervical cancer prevention.

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