Hải Anh Trịnh 1,2, Diệu Hồng Đinh 2,, Đình Hải Trịnh 2
1 National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi
2 VNU Hanoi-University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Survey on the status of children's tooth decay in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam over two decades from 1999 to 2019 provides very useful information for children's caries prevention programs. The study results provide the evolution of children's caries status over two decades with preventive care activities. The state of primary dental caries in children aged 6-8 years in the mountainous area increased in both the rate and the dmft index. But the status of permanent dental caries in children aged 12 to 17 years has been reduced in both the caries rate and the DMFT index. After two decades with oral care and prevention activities, the oral health of children has been improved. Currently, a significant proportion of caries, including both primary and permanent teeth, are treated conservatively, while two decades ago all children with caries had not received conservative treatment. Fluoride prevention measures for children such as weekly use of 0.2% fluoride mouthwash and use of fluoride toothpaste did not cause dental fluorosis in children in the northern mountainous region of Vietnam.

Article Details


1. Trịnh Đình Hải, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Minh, Trần Cao Bính. National Oral Health Survey of Vietnam 2019. Medical publishing house. Hanoi 2019.
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