Trương Minh Thế Nguyễn1, Phương Dung Nguyễn1, Khánh Huy Tăng 1,
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objectives: Diarrhea is one of the most common complications of antibiotic therapy, depending on the type of antibiotic and its antibacterial spectrum. The remedy "Sam Linh Bach Truat Tan" (SLBTT) was selected to study its effect on experimental diarrhea in order to provide scientific data for the application of this remedy in supporting the treatment of diarrhea caused by intestinal dysbiosis with antibiotics. Methods: The antidiarrheal effect of SLBTT extract at doses of 7.72g/ kg (1/3 Dmax), 5.79g/ kg (1/4 Dmax), 4.63g/ kg (1/5 Dmax), and 2.31g/ kg (1/10 Dmax) on a diarrhea-causing model (30mg Streptomycin + 40mg Lincomycin/ 10g mice) was evaluated twice a day (morning and afternoon) for three days. When 100% of mice have diarrhea on day 3, to day 4, give mice a maintenance dose of 1% of the above antibiotic dose (morning, afternoon) to limit the possibility of self-healing. From day 4, give SLBTT extract continuously for the next 5 days. The reference drugs were Loperamide 2mg/ kg, 1mg/ kg; Biosubtyl DL 105 CFU/ g. Evaluation criteria included diarrhea rate, weight loss, and mortality. Results: SLBTT had a better effect on reducing diarrhea and restoring body weight than Loperamide 2mg/ kg, Loperamide 1mg/ kg, and Probiotic 105 CFU/ g. The most effective dose of SLBTT extract was 7.72 g/kg. SLBTT prevented diarrhea and restored body weight better than Loperamide 1mg/ kg and Probiotic 105 CFU/ g. The most effective dose of SLBTT extract was 7.72g/ kg. Conclusion: In experimental studies, SLBTT reduces and prevents diarrhea and restores body weight better than Loperamide and Probiotic.

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