Nguyễn Văn Chủ, Trần Lê Giang, Vũ Thanh Phương

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Assessment of the lymph node status of malignant melanoma remains the standard of treatment. Histopathological type and features can provide the prognostic information. Purpose: Comment on the relationship between some histopathological features with the lymph node status of melanoma. Methods: 121 melanoma patients were assessed for lymph node status, histopathological subtype and some pathological features. Results: The rate of the metastasized lymph node groups were increased with Clark degrees, especially to the 2-3 node, Clark V was accounted for the highest rate of 78.6%, followed by the  positive 1 node group, Clark V was 69.6 % and ≥4 lymph node group was 55.0% (p <0.05). In 2-3 or ≥4 metastasized lymph node groups, melanoma without lymphocyte infiltration showed the highest proportion (17.7 and 21.6%, respectively) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The lymph node status of malignant melanoma is strongly related to Clark degree and tumor lymphocytic infiltration.

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