Ngọc Bằng Đào1,, Bá Thắng Tạ 1, Quốc Tuấn Bạch 1, Lam Nguyễn1, Thanh Tùng Nguyễn1
1 103 Military Hospital

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Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and chest computed tomography images of patients with hemoptysis who had indication of bronchial artery embolization in Respiratory center, Military Hospital 103 in 5 years (from Jan 2016 to Jan 2021). Subjects and methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried out on 102 patients with hemoptysis, who had indication of bronchial artery embolization and underwent chest computed tomography, being treated Respiratory center, Military Hospital 103 from Jan 2016 to Jan 2021. Results: Subjects were mainly men (75.49%), with average age of 56.09 years old. The main cause of hemoptysis were bronchiectasis (63.73%). Lesions on chest computed tomography were mainly seen on the right upper lobe (50%) and the left upper lobe (48,04%). The lesions were local (54.9%) and diffuse (45.1%). The image of lung consolidation was mainly (96.08%), following by caviaty (27.45%) and lung collapse (14.71%). The degree of bronchiectasis were mainly moderate (46.16%). Conclusions: Lesions on chest computed tomography in patients with hemoptysis, having indication for bronchial artery embolization, were mainly consolidation in the upper lobes of two lungs and moderate degree of bronchiectasis.

Article Details


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