Main Article Content
Objectives: To evaluate the clinical and subclinical characteristics of young patients with squamous cell carcinoma oral tongue cancer at K hospital. Patients and methods: A retrospective and prospective descriptive study was conducted on 46 young patients (≤40 years old) with squamous cell carcinoma oral tongue cancer treated at K hospital from January 2017 to May 2022. Results: The mean age was 34.09; male/female ratio was 0.84/1. The reason that patients were admitted to hospital were pain (63%) and detection of tumor (30.4%). 58.7% of patients went to hospital within 3 months from the first symptoms. The first signs and symptoms were pain (60.9%), detection of tumor (26.1%) and tongue ulcer (13%). The most common location of tumor was tongue edge (89.1%). The most morphological subtype was nodular-ulcerative (41.3%). On T1 MRI, 67.4% of patients had hypointense lesion and 95.7% of tumors had increased signal after injection; On STIR MRI, most of the tumors were hyperintense signal (95.7%). About pathology, the majority of patients are moderately differentiated (78,3%). Conclusions: Mobile tongue cancer in young adults (≤40 years) was uncommon. Most patients were admitted to the hospital at an earlier stage when symptoms appear in the first 3 months with a common location in tongue edge. Magnetic resonance imaging played an important role in the diagnosis of tongue cancer. Pathology remained the gold standard in diagnosis of mobile tongue cancer.
Article Details
oral cancer, tongue cancer, clinical features, subclinical features.
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