Thị Minh Hải Nguyễn1,, Hải Nam Hoàng1, Huy Tuấn Kiệt Phạm 2, Trọng Tài Nguyễn2, Hạ Anh Nguyễn2
1 Sontay hospital

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Background: The structure of diseases in the world is always shifting according to different disease patterns, depending on the characteristics of race, culture, geography, socio-economic or policy of each region. The disease structure of each locality and each country reflects the health status of that community. In the world and in Vietnam, there have been many studies to give the clearest picture of the disease structure, helping health planners come up with early solutions, plan timely and prepare well. treatment to improve the health of the population. Objectives: To describe the disease structure of patients who come for medical examination and treatment inpatients with health insurance cards at Son Tay General Hospital in 2020 and 2021. Method: Cross-sectional description based on retrospectively collected data of medical records stored on the computer of Son Tay General Hospital from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, satisfying the selection and exclusion criteria. The study was performed to describe the distribution rate according to 22 disease chapters according to ICD-10 code and 5 most common hospital diseases. Results: The results show that in 2020, the Chapter with the highest rate is the diseases of Chapter X: Respiratory diseases 3,487 (21.3%). The chapter with the least number of patient visits is Chapter XXII: Codes for special purposes and Chapter XVI: Certain diseases with onset in the perinatal period, with a rate of 1-7 visits, respectively. And the 5 most common diseases were idiopathic hypertension (9.5%), acute bronchitis, unspecified (6.3%), pneumonia, unspecified agent (4.2%) ), functional dyspepsia (3.7%) and multiple and unspecified acute upper respiratory tract infections 2.8%). In 2021, Chapter has the highest rate of diseases under Chapter XV: Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum at 1190 (23.7%). The chapter with the highest percentage of patients attending at least 2021 is Chapter XXII: Codes for Special Purposes and Chapter XVII: Congenital Anomalies, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities, with rates of 0 respectively. - 4 turns. The 5 most common diseases are idiopathic hypertension (10.0%), type 2 diabetes (4.1%), functional dyspepsia (2.7%), acute bronchitis, nonspecific (1.9%) and acute appendicitis (1.8%). Conclusions: The disease structure of 2020 and 2021 is different, the composition of the 5 most common diseases also changes. The most common disease in both years of the study was idiopathic (primary) hypertension. The identification of this disease pattern helps to provide a suitable strategy for Son Tay General Hospital in planning and better preparing for the treatment of the disease.

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