Thị Phượng Đào 1,, Thị Thu Thùy Lê1
1 Hai Duong Medical technical University

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Objective: To evaluate knowledge about covid-19 infection prevention among patients being treatment at General Internal Medicine A ward and Respiratory - Allergy ward in Huu Nghi Hospital from March to April in 2022. Methods: cross-sectional descriptive study with a convenient sampling method, sample size was 130 patients. Results: The majority of patients have average knowledge about Covid-19 infection prevention (56.2%); The most of patients have the correct knowledge about the transmission of Covid-19 disease through droplets from people infected with Covid-19; through the air; by direct contact with sick people/animals and by touching infected objects (68.5-98.5%); The majority of patients have correct knowledge about the main symptoms of Covid-19 disease, which are cough, shortness of breath, sore throat (90-97.7%). Conclusion: The study shows that the majority of patients have average knowledge about covid-19 infection prevention (56,2%). Recommendations: Health workers need to strengthen the exchange and provide information on measures to prevent Covid-19 infection for patients.

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