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Zinc deficiency in Vietnam is at an extremely high level compared to the zinc deficiency cutoff point of the International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group (IZiNCG). A cross-sectional study was conducted among 461 female students aged 11-13 years at some ethnic minority boarding schools in Yen Bai provinces in 2018 to describe the zinc deficiency (ZD) status of students of this age. The result indicated that the prevalence of ZD among female students aged 11 - 13 years was 71.8%, a severe public health concern. The mean serum zinc concentration was 9.35 μmol/L ± 1.3. The prevalence of ZD was a significant difference between schools (p <0.001); the highest was at Mo Vang school (82.4%) and followed by Suoi Giang school (81.9%). At the same time, the prevalence of ZD was significantly different between ethnicities (p<0.001); the highest was among the H’mong ethnic (80.6%), followed by the Tày ethnic (73.5%) and the Kinh ethnic (66.7%). Solutions to prevent zinc deficiency in the future need to be holistic and very focused. Improving zinc deficiency through diet and periodically zinc supplementation for high-risk subjects is a quick and sustainable solution in mountainous areas, especially disadvantaged areas, poor areas and ethnic minorities.
Article Details
zinc deficiency, ethnic minorities, female student, secondary school, mountainous areas
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