Văn Công Ngô 1,, Minh Thịnh Trương 2
1 Cho Ray hospital
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objective: To investigate clinical and subclinical characteristics in patients with severe deep neck infections with diabetes mellitus and compare the difference between this group with the nondiabetic group. Methods: We did a descriptive study on 100 cases of severe deep neck infections treated at Cho Ray Hospital from 12/2019 to 12/2022. Results: In patients with severe deep neck infections with diabetes mellitus: dental cause was the most common (21.3%); Streptococcus sp (39.3%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (26.2%) were the most commonly isolated organisms; there was an increase in leukocytes (14.7 ± 6.3 G/L) and CRP (235.6 ± 111.8 mg/L) on admission; airway obstruction (49.2%) and mediastinitis (36.1%) were the most common complications. Compared with the nondiabetic group, the diabetic group had a higher mean age (59.6y versus 52.9y; p=0.02) and more frequently isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae (26.2% versus 7.7%; p=0.02). Conclusion: Initial antibiotic therapy should cover Streptococcus sp and Klebsiella pneumoniae in patients with severe deep neck infections with diabetes mellitus.

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