Mạnh Hùng Phạm1, Minh Trạng Bùi2, Ngọc Yến Nhi Võ3, Thị Huyền Mai1, Chí Thanh Nguyễn2, Thị Thiện Trâm Nguyễn3, Thị Thu Thủy Nguyễn4,
1 Bach Mai hospital
2 HCM city heart hospital
4 Hong Bang university

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Heart failure is a common disease with a significant economic burden worldwide. In Vietnam, studies evaluating the cost of heart failure treatment are limited. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the cost of heart failure treatment at the Heart Institute of Ho Chi Minh City and the Vietnam Heart Institute - Bach Mai hospital with a cross-sectional design including all patients satisfying the sample selection criteria in the period 2020 - 2022. Studying the sample of 164 heart failure patients with 290 outpatient visits and 194 inpatient visits has been found that the cost of heart failure treatment valued at 1,583,758 VND (95% CI: 1,396,599 – 1,770,918 VND) for one outpatient visit and 18,178,113 VND (95% CI: 12,351,544 – 24,004,682 VND) for one inpatient visit. In which, Health insurance paid 42.08% cost of outpatient visit, 43.14% cost of an inpatient visit. Analysis of related factors as well as expansion of research in lower-level hospitals should be carried out in the future to complete the picture of the cost of heart failure treatment, creating a basis for proposing appropriate health care policies.

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