Hoàng Quang Trung, Dương Văn Giáp, Trương Huy Hưng, Đặng Quang Minh, Nguyễn Thị Liên, Trần Thị Hương, Nguyễn Đình Phi, Cao Thế Vinh

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Patterns of morbidity and mortality of a nation or a population reflect health and economy status. Investigation the disease’s pattern contributes to build up the  health system, to  plan appropriate health care service, training, and health’s education. Hatinh is  a Central province of Vietnam, where the prevalance of inpatient children is still high.  Objectives: To assess the  children’s epidemiological factors who was treated at  the  Hatinh General hospital from 2011 to 2019. Study subjects and methods: There  was of 46.798 children who were treated at the hospital from January, 2011 to April, 2019. This was a retrospective study. Results: Children who were treated at the hospital accounting for 13,65% of  total inpatients; the number of inpatients was increased from 2.877 in 2011 to 9.917 in 2018; in which male  was 61,25%. Patients under 5 year old  was 73,86%. The number of patients admitted to hospital  was increased in weather changing periods such as March, April, May and August, September and October. Conclusion: The epidermiological features of children treated at the Hatinh General Hospital is similar other hospitals.

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