Văn Thanh Nguyễn1,, Việt Trung Lâm1
1 Cho Ray hospital

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Target: comment on some clinical features, endoscopic images, multiple scans od gastric cancer and surgical removal of the entire gastric and evaluate the results for gastric cancer treatment at Cho Ray hospital. Research subjects and methods: A cross sectional descriptive research and a prospective cohort study of 55 patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery alone accounted for 100%. 55 patients were reintroduced to gastrointestinal intestial duct digestion according to Roux-en-Y. Of these, 4 had laparoscopy and 51 had open surgery. Average postoperative time was 8.22±3.45. Complications after surgery, oral surgery after surgery is 2.2%. Conclusion: Surgical removal of the entire gatric extends when the tumor invades the adjacent organs to ensure the thoroughness of the surgery. The extensive removal of the invasive organs with the gastric during surgery is no longer technically difficult, as is resuscitation after surgery

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