Bá Quát Cấn1,, Thị Ngọc Trâm Hoàng 1, Văn Vũ Trương1, Thị Mơ Nguyễn1, Tiểu Yến Chu1
1 Thai Nguyen University Of Medicine And Pharmacy

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Oligohydramnios increases the risk factors for fetal distress and difficult delivery because of umbilical cord compression and the fetus is difficult to adjust well during labor. Objective: To evaluate treatment outcomes of pregnant women with oligohydramnios with pregnancy full-term at Thai Nguyen National Hospital in 2022. Selection criteria: Pregnant woman has a fetus, gestination age from 37 weeks or more, diagnosed with oligohydramnious on ultrasound with AFI < 5cm. Exclusion criteria: Pregnant women with acute diseases: systemic infections, tuberculosis, hepatitis, not giving birth at the hospital, low amniotic fluid due to amniotic fluid leakage, ruptured of the membranes. Study methods: Description, cross section. Result: Mean age of samples 27,7 ± 5.0 years old. The group of estimated due date beyond accounted for 7.5%. The rate of pregnant women who did not go into labor when admitted to the hospital accounted for 35.8%. The group with amniotic fluid index at 21 – 40mm accounted for 64.18%, the group with amniotic fluid index ≤ 20mm accounted for 19.4%. The rate of cesarean section accounted for 85.1%. Indication for cesarean section is due to amniotic index ≤ 20mm accounting for 27.2%. 9.7% of the retrospective cases did not have amniotic fluid after delivery.

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