Minh Ngọc Lê1,, Văn Ngọc Nguyễn1, Đăng Thương Nguyễn1, Thị Hồi Nguyễn1
1 Thai Binh Psychiatric Hospital

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Depression is a common mental disorder that carries the most significant disease burden, causing the leading cost of health care in the world. In Vietnam, the national program on community mental health care has been deployed across the country to detect, treat and manage mental disorders in the community, but it has not been fully covered. In Thai Binh province, there have been several studies on depressive disorders. However, these studies focus on weak research describing some epidemiological factors and clinical features of depressive disorders, and there are no studies on major depression. Researching treatment interventions in the community, we conducted a study on this topic: "Evaluating the results of drug treatment in patients with depression in Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province in 2021-2022". Objective: "Evaluate the results of drug treatment in patients with depression in Hung Ha district, Thai Binh province." Subjects and methods: community intervention study on 278 patients aged 18-60 (Tan Le commune: 178 patients; Diep Nong commune: 100 patients) who were intervened with antidepressants for six months, from February 2021 to November 2022. Results: The average dose of Amitriptyline was 41.12 ± 15.43 mg/patient/day, in which the lowest dose was 12.5 mg/patient/day and the highest dose was 75 mg/patient/day. The average dose of Fluoxetine was 38.30 ± 15.88 mg/patient/day, of which the highest dose was 60 mg/patient/day and the lowest dose was 20 mg/patient/day. The average treatment duration was 5.12 ± 1.05 months. The mean duration of treatment in the group of patients with mild depression was as low as 4.18 ± 1.07 months; in the group of patients with moderate depression was 5.54 ± 0.58 months; and in the group of patients with severe depression without psychotic was 6 ± 0.00 months. The results of drug treatment showed a reduction in the rate of depression over time. The study showed that the results of drug treatment in patients with depression showed a reduction in the level of depression when assessed over time points during treatment. Conclusion: The duration of treatment, number of drugs, and doses of antidepressants were less than for mild and moderate depression. Therefore, early detection and prompt treatment are essential. Training courses should be organized on the knowledge and skills of early detection, assessment, and treatment of depression for medical staff at primary healthcare systems and related specialties for managing and treating patients with depression.

Article Details


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