Trần Phước Thịnh, Nguyễn Hữu Lân, Lê Văn Chương, Vũ Quang Huy

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Objectives: Determination of the diagnostic value of detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in the oral swab of patients who were suspected of having pulmonary tuberculosis by real-time PCR and analysis of several related factors. Methods and Materials: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 85 adult patients who suspected of pulmonary tuberculosis. Detect DNA Mycobacterium tuberculosis in samples of oral swab by real-time PCR and compare this to the sputum testing - Xpert MTB / RIF Ultra (Xpert MTB). Results: The sensitivity and specificity of oral swab sample were 74,4% and 100%. The patients with low loading of bacteria as well as eating, drinking before collecting sample could affect to the ability to detect DNA Mycobacterium tuberculosis in oral swab. Patients who could not expectorate sputum at the time of examination must spray aerosol for induced sputum or submit sputum later (1-3days). The sample of oral swab also detected bacterial DNA in 10/14 cases in a group using the aerosol spray and 9/12 in a group of late applying sputum. Conclusions: Preliminary research has identified the ability to detect tuberculosis bacterial DNA in oral swab with a significant proportion and high specificity. This sampling method has the potential to complement for sputum samples to reduce diagnostic time and the proportion of patients who suffer from some invasive procedures.

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