Thị Huyền Lê1,, Thị Hoàng Lan Bùi1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Introduction: Anemia in pregnancy is one of the common public health problems in Vietnam and all over the world. During pregnancy, aemia can cause adverse outcomes for both mother and infant. Objective: To determine the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among pregnant women in Department of Examination B, Hung Vuong Hospital in 2021. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from March to May 2021. Convenience sampling method was used to include 255 pregnant women who has come for antenatal care at the Department of Examination B, Hung Vuong hospital. Results: The rate of anemia was 14.1% (with 83.3% mild anemia, 16.7% moderate anemia). Factors related to anemia in pregnancy were maternal age, number of pregnancies, number of births, gynecological diseases, frequency of tea and meat consumption. Conclusion: There should be specific recommendations for prevention and intervention to special population such as pregnant women over 35 years-old, gravidity from 3 times or more, gynecological diseases, and should be counselled suitable diet.

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