Thị Mai Đỗ1,, Anh Đào Mai1
1 Namdinh University Of Nursing

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Objective: Evaluating the current practice of medical staff and primary health care in several commune-level medical centres of Nam Dinh Province in 2022. Subject and methodology: Cross-section study on all medical staff of 12 communes in 3 districts/city of Nam Dinh province between February and May 2022. Result: 68 medical staff agreed to join in the study. 80.9% of them sayid their current position match their past training. However, up to 73.5% complained about overload. 82.4% completed their assigned jobs with 4.4% of early and active completion. School health and rehabilitation services are the most suitable as voted by 91.2% of medical staff. Only 60.3% agreed about the suitability of safe blood and blood diesease prevention. The lowest percentage, 58.5%, showed their trust in the suitability of high-risk disease screening in community. School health services as well as essential medicine and on-demand medicine chest services were assessed to be the most feasible (92.6%). The most infeasible includes high-risk disease screening (57.4%). Conclusion: Commune-level medical centres are considered as the first and nearest healthcare gate for people. Primary care aims at improving public health at their best. It is necessary to arrange their staff with high suitability and provide proper and feasible primary healthcare services, which will make public healthcare reach their best efficiency.


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