Nguyễn Tiến Quang

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Regimens of hormonal receptor-positive breast cancer, stage I and II include endocrine therapy, consideration of chemotherapy for high risk of recurrence or poor prognosis. Purpose: Assessment of association between IHC4 risk groups and some clinical features of stage I-II breast cancer. Methods: 226 breast cancer patients were classified in risk subgroups by the criteria of IHC stain and evaluating their relations to clinical characteristics. Results: In the low IHC4 group, the proportion of patients without metastasized lymph node accounted for 94.7%, higher than the proportion of this group in the mean IHC4 group (73.3%), and in the high IHC4 group (accounting for 66.9%). The rate of 1-3 the positive lymph node (s) gradually increased in the different IHC4 groups from low to high respectively 5.3%; 26.7% and 33.1% (p <0.05). Conclusion: The low-risk group had the highest proportion of negative node, whereas the high-risk group was mainly found in the positive node.

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